
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Share the Love

Ok, I don't know if I will have the time to write another post on Monday, so I will anticipate it a bit. This morning I made a list of all the crochet project I want to make, hard to decide wich one will be the first and at the end I decided that the smallest will be the first and so on till the last one on my list.
I ended up that there are so many interesting stories and lovely women behind the projects ispired me, so I want to share some of them with you my lovelies =)

So, after my Lucy's bag will be finished.....


I will manage with those:

And then... a new cotton blanket, not sure wich one, I love so many at this time...


I want to make one of them.... so lovely Ispired by those lovely creative people!

And at least I think it will be autumn again and I will be able to manage the Babette Blanket wich I was making using 100% merino's wool.

So, there are some of my favorited blog, project and people!
Now an Ice cream and some good crochet are waiting for me!! Have a lovely week end!
See you soon, Giusy

Monday, July 19, 2010

Bunting in the night

Good monday everyone!

Veggies for Marco's lunch are already washed and the pot is on fire, the little one is sleeping so I can take 2 or 3 minutes for myself and blog, yaiii!!

Well, the next monday I'll start working again, it will be orrible to go back to work after a year and a half I am at home-mom... the good thing is I'll working part-time till my son's first birthday.

Sooo let me think to positive things now, and let me show you what I made this past week.
On the other monday I've started working on my Lucy's bag, I've already added more rows than are shown in the picture, but I haven't took other new photos of the ongoing project.



I've also received the Lucy's Yarn Pack from First 4 Yarn, and I must say that the Rico cotton is delicious!! The colours are bright and it is very soft to the touch. I love it and I think I'm going to make a blanket in the next future.



On Friday I've added a touch of Shabby - Chic interior furniture to my chicken, a hand paited towel hanger I found for just a few euros in a cute local shop, cute doesn't it?


And on Saturday night, after having put Marco to bed, I've got two busy hour making a bunting garland to decorate his bedroom wall....


I always looked at bunting garland and I felt a bit intimidate about it, but I've just started with some simply collage and colored pencil and at the end I was satisfied by the result.





that's all folks!! See you next monday!!!
Love, Giusy

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Fabric + Crochet = A dress!

Do you remember my secret project? As I mention here I was in need to go to my mom to complete it. So, on sunday me and the little one spent the afternoon to my lovely mom and while she looked after Marco, I was able to complete my secret project!



I've used some ideas from the the web to make it, for the top I altered the chart of this pattern and for the dress I've just sewed a tube and attatch it to the top. You can find a tutorial on how to make a tube dress at the Verypurpleperson's blog.
That's all!! It's too hot to sit in front of the PC today!!!
See ya!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Week end Mix

Good Morning!! The week end started with the house cleaning to be done, I wake up early this morning so at 9.00 I completed all that boring work.
Marco is growing and I was lucky enough to take a shoot of his first stand up alone :)


Yesterday I've got a walk with Marco and my mother at the city centre, my mom make me happy with a gift... while I was sigh at a yarn's shop window, she come in and bought me 14 new colorful yarn!!



I felt so cheerful and lucky to have such a lovely mom :)) Now I have yarn enough to make the Lucy Bag or ripple blanket, I'll see.

This week I worked on the crochet edging for my cup's shelf, I almost finished it, I think it will be finished for the next week end.


This week I also surfed a lot the web and got oh and ah to many more lovely sites and blog, I felt ispired and definitely hooked at hook!
I will make a "share the love" post very soon and show you my favorite blog at the moment.
Well, before go and put the little one to bed, please take a look at my grandmother new blog: GrannyPeppa, I am so proud of her!

Wish you a happy and colorful and cheerful Week end!!
Love, Giusy

Monday, July 05, 2010

Completed one, started another

Hello my lovelies, we have had very hot wheather in those past week end and I was feeling very very lazy, but at the same time my hands doesn't stop and keeps going on the granny squares project, they turned out in a sofa cushion, I just appliqued it on a cushion cover, too lazy to make all that mess by cutting fabric, sewing edges, making a "real" cushion myself, I'm pleased with the result instead.



Well, finished one, I've started another hooky project, I didn't took picture of the crochety one, but I will show you for what and in wich colors I'm making it :)
I want to make an edging for the cup's shelf on my kitchen, I was lucky enough to find the yarn in the same colors of the tiles.... Am I lucky, did I?




Ok, that's all for now ladies, my little Marco is calling me!!! Moooommmmaaaa :)
Have a nice and fresh air week!!
talk to you soon I hope!
With much love, Giusy

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