To be honest is the same think I'm thinking too, because lately I am obsessed by yarn, browsing knitting and crochet pattern, finish and starting a new project... carry my project bag filled by the cheerful yarn and snuggle on my fashion interchangeable knit picks needle.... the great things of knitting and crochet is that you can work everywhere, and even better if this "everywhere" is your sofa :))
but mind you, the sewing bug is only sleeping, because at the time I have so little spare time and so many other important things to take care, first of all my son that turned 15 month the last sunday.
double **grin**
As you can see in that photos I've got some hour to make the perfect interchangeable knitting needle case for me, I looked far and wide to buy one, but couldn't find one that I like, so I decided to make it my own. I really love how it turned out, don't you think?
I've also started a new cardigan for me, and can't wait to share it with all of you the finished project.
And of course if you saw the previous post, I'm really excited with the new hat I've designed. It will coming soon at my Ravelry page.
Well, that's all for this night, have a lovely week end!!
Bellissima questa borsina porta set-intercambiabile? Spero la porterai con te domenica...unitamente a quel bel filato che fa capolino :) Sono curiosa!
certamente, contaci! :))
naaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!sei a trieste e ti sei persa il primo stitch & bitch dove potevi conoscere me e io potevo conscere te?che portento le tue realizzazioni, e io ti scopro solo ora O.o
ecco state tutte a trieste ci manca solo che si unisca anche Gaya !!!
sara mica un LFS quello che stai facendo???
Ciao Lilly, piacere di conoscerti! Dai magari ci sarà un'altra occasione!!
Manu (Amelia), Gaya è sempre la benvenuta, però se non ricordo male la maglia non l'ha mai sfiorata neanche con il pensiero, mentre la sua mamma è bravissima!!! Cmq, si, è proprio il Lady February Sweater :))
Un bacione ed ancora grazie ;))
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