
Thursday, March 19, 2009


It's more than a month from the last blogpost, now, if you check the #13 of that post, you will know why I was off for all that time...... :))

I didn't know when I wrote the "16 things about me", I discovered that 12 days later.... and if you just wondering about... Yes, I will have a baby!
Today it 10° week I am pregnant.
I've got some problems at the begins of the pregnancy, so my doctor keep me at home from work immediately.
I can't wait to be in the 4th month, so I will be less anxious, for now I'm staying home to rest.

Meanwhile, quietly so as not tired, in those days I have sewn, a little at a time, a diaper bag.
And today I finished, here it is.


Mitsy / ArtMind said...

Awww, congratulations Giusy!
Such wonderful news - I hope you will have a happy & healthy baby! :)
What a great bag you made - he or she sure will be spoiled I think! ;)

glasfaden said...

Congrats, Giusy!!! So nice to hear the news! Wishing you a great time with no more problems in the following weeks. Great diaper bag btw :)

Amelia said...

ma che bella!!! sempre cose bellissime fai!!

DIANA said...

Augurissimi!!!sono certa che stare a riposo a casa per te sarà piacevole per mettere a punto nuovi progetti!!mi raccomando di non stancarti,ma goditi pure tutti i momenti,io sono diventata da poco zia di nuovo e sono già mamma,ma è pur sempre una grande emozione...di nuovo augurissimi!!e grazie per il rinnovamento del tuo sito!