
Saturday, January 31, 2009

Featured Artist: ArtMind

I know Mitsy of ArtMind when I signed up to the European Street Team on Etsy, but I didn't truly know her until she started the "99 feelings" project.
Day by day, and feeling by feeling, I know more about her and a bit more about me. It was a pleasant journey across our emotions and feelings, and I love each one of those beautiful expression of Art.
I think she is a very Talented Lady, she has the "X factor", and hope she will have the success that she deserve.
Watch this video, and you will be completely amazed, captured, intrigued by this woman and those "little feelings".


Mitsy / ArtMind said...

Aww, you're so sweet, Giusy! What nice words you write here! It makes me go all fuzzy... yip, need to make a fuzzy feeling I think! ;)
Thank you, dear! :)

I bijoux dello Stregatto said...

Tag! Open the 6th picture folder on your computer, open the 6th photo and blog it. Write something about it. Then tag 6 more people to do the same.. details on my blog!