I imagine that someone will ask where I am... Oh, it's very hard to go back to old habits when he made an idyllic vacation, full of sun, sea and laziness! (sooner or later I'll show you photos of Riccione). Back home in the city but I have not abandoned the climate holiday, we spent a few days in Croatia and Slovenia, yet beaches!
I also had some discomfort. A bad conjunctivitis kept me away from the PC in recent weeks and still not healed completely, Tuesday I will go to the eye doctor, unfortunately my sight is getting worse.
I've got some new customer on Dawanda, and thanks to one of them, I make a new format of the Moleskine Notebook's cover. This one fit the Large size: 13 x 21 cm (5 x 8¼") Moleskine Nootebook, both soft or bound covered.
I've got some new customer on Dawanda, and thanks to one of them, I make a new format of the Moleskine Notebook's cover. This one fit the Large size: 13 x 21 cm (5 x 8¼") Moleskine Nootebook, both soft or bound covered.

Btw, I'm here again, but I'm in the lazy mode about since September 1st :)
Have a nice Mid-August day.
Ciao, mi fà molto piacere scoprire italiane handmaker in un mondo soltanto anglosassone. (USA e UK) Complimenti per i tuoi lavori mi piacerebbe farti conoscere le mie Baby Shoes DIY kit e in paricolare quelle estive che sono reverse in Tela Aida quindi personalizzabili con il punto a croce. Vieni nel mio blog www.creakit.blogspot.com ci facciamo due chiacchiere e uno scambio di idee o altro.
a presto
p.s. c'è anche un Giveaway sul mio tutto italiano se ti andasse di partecipare...mi farebbe piacere www.robertafilavafilava.blogspot.com
Complimenti Giusy, sempre più curate e bella scelta di stoffe.
Mi spiace sentire che hai problemi di agli occhi, spero sia solo passeggero e non significhi un abbassamento della vista.
Un bacione, ci vediamo presto
Cio Giusy,
How are you? I was on vacation in Lago di Garda, very beautiful!
Did you received my email with our pic? I have also now a weblog.
I add you to my bloglist.
Bye Bye and I hope for to get your answer, love and kisses from cindy - Holland
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